Executive/Leadership Coaching

At PGR Management Consulting, Executive/Leadership Coaching is one of our primary areas of expertise and one in which we set extremely high standards. Our track record goes back years while our passion for this work remains fresh. We work with Executives, Emerging Leaders and their organizations via a “Coaching Partnership” to develop the leadership capacity of organizational leaders.

The partnership is one in which both sides work to reach an agreed-upon destination. The aim of the partnership is to bring about sustained behavioural change and transform the quality of the leader’s working and personal life.

The most popular coaching programs are;

  • One-on-one, individual coaching for leaders and high potentials
  • Blended individual and team coaching
  • CEO coaching
  • Founder CEO coaching

PGR Also offers a full suite of facilitation services.

To get a better understanding of what Leadership Coaching is, one should first understand what leadership coaching is NOT:

  • It isn’t technical guidance although it’s true to say that some coaches have a strong technical background.
  • It isn’t career counseling although many coaches certainly assist in helping leaders find the right fit and match for their talents and strengths.
  • It isn’t consulting (although the boundaries between coaching and consulting can often be blurred) where the consultant is really seen as the expert who comes in to solve a problem and give advice. Coaches, on the other hand, prefer to ask questions and assist the leader to find their own solution.
  • It isn’t mentoring who is someone who has trod the journey before. In this way, mentors are often informal supports either within or outside the organization, but they have done the journey and typically have the wisdom of experience on their side. However, they can often be compromised with the company on the one hand and the needs of the ‘mentee’ on the other. Further, mentees are somewhat loathe to bring up issues with them that might be considered ‘career limiting.’ Coaches instead are generally hired from outside the team or organization, have a broad range of experience and are skilled at managing discussions that might be deemed sensitive or ‘off limits.’
  • It isn’t training. Training usually doesn’t involve reflection and introspection, it’s usually not tailored to the individual and trainers are often not aware of the intricacies of human nature that undermine or sabotage behaviour (including success) or that bring about an individual’s downfall.

At the heart of the individual coaching experience is a series of confidential one-on-one sessions with a specialist in the human dimension of workplace life. A PGR coach is a highly skilled and experienced professional whose aim is to help the client succeed. Together we engage in a process of joint exploration and problem solving, designed to make a rapid and significant difference to the client’s performance at work. We utilize the proprietary Situational Executive Development* framework and the Catalytic framework for continuous improvement*.

Just some of the benefits of working with us;

  • A PGR coach works with clients to generate a rapid improvement in ‘Emotional Intelligence’ – the capacity to understand oneself and others, to manage one’s feelings and behaviour skillfully and to build powerful and effective relationships at work.
  • We help clients look below the surface of their own behaviour and make links to the underlying associations between current work issues and previous experiences, explore their default patterns of interaction and thereby access new ways of thinking and acting.
  • We encourage the client to take a systematic view of their situation and learn to perceive the hidden dynamics that exist within the culture and functioning of their organization.
  • As an outside resource, we are able to work outside the organizational hierarchical constraints on a peer-to-peer confidential basis with the client to help them achieve their desired results.

Many of our clients have asked for assistance justifying that executive coaching will provide a return on investment.

The International Coaching Federation, a leading and well-respected coaching professional association,  recently conducted and reviewed studies focused on coaching in the organization. They revealed an average return on investment of $4.30 – $7.90 for every $1.00 invested. Not only that, but it was also revealed that training combined with coaching increases productivity four times more than training alone. This only stands to reason since coaching over the long-term works to reinforce the efforts of training, especially since research shows a majority of training content (82%) is lost after two weeks.  In a recent survey conducted by Fast Company magazine, 92% of leaders surveyed who were being coached said that they plan to continue to use a coach.

Companies that utilize coaching report benefits through improvements in:
– Productivity
– Quality
– Organizational strength
– Customer service and reduced customer complaints
– Employee retention, especially among those receiving coaching
– Cost reduction and bottom line profitability

The executives and leaders receiving coaching report these benefits:
– Improved working relationships with direct reports
– Improved working relationships with immediate supervisors
– Better teamwork
– Improved working relationships with peers
– Greater job satisfaction
– Reduction in conflicts
– Improved organizational commitment
– Stronger relationships with external customers

How we work:

The coaching journey is different for each individual but, without exception, our aim is to ensure that the insight the client gains is converted into practical strategies in the workplace.
Leaders impact Organizational Culture which in turn impacts on organizational effectiveness which in turn impacts on the organizational bottom line.

  • We provide clients with an introductory package, and within this, confidentiality terms are spelled out clearly so they have a point of reference – and, perhaps, some extra reassurance that whatever we work on together is completely private. The client is the only person who can discuss the coaching conversations, and only if they choose to do so.
  • Results are collaboratively decided upon at the outset of the engagement as well as how they will be measured. As mentioned before this is a partnership for the client’s success.

Do any of the following statements describe your current challenges?

  • I am not getting enough from my people.
  • My team is not aligned.
  • My relationship with my boss is poor.
  • I can’t get anyone to buy into my idea.
  • I need to change this culture, but everyone resists.
  • If we don’t improve performance soon, we are in huge trouble.
  • We can’t seem to get things done quickly and effectively around here.
  • We need a new strategy, but no one even agrees on what the issues are.
  • We have a strategy, but no one is making it happen.
  • Some of our competitors are doing things that could put us behind.
  • How will we adapt to the new regulations?
  • My career seems to be at a standstill and I need help moving forward.
  • I need to have a difficult conversation with a colleague, and I’m not sure I have the right approach.
  • How on earth will we keep up with this new technology?
  • I am overwhelmed and I don’t want to burn out.
  • I can’t trust anyone else to get this done, but I don’t have time to keep doing this myself.
  • We do not have enough leaders in the middle of this organization to achieve our growth goals.
  • I think my job is at risk, and I don’t know how to stay safe.
  • I am great at technology, but all of this “people stuff” is incredibly annoying and frustrating.
  • I just moved into a new role, and I want to be sure that I succeed right out of the starting gate.
  • I need a succession plan so I can hand this organization off or sell it.
  • I have a conflict with a colleague and it is hurting performance.

To discuss how coaching can benefit you and your organization or to get more information please contact us. We would love to sit down with you and discuss your needs.

Still undecided? Take our quick Coaching Readiness Assessment.